Ten Wrestlers We’d Like to See in Mae Young Classic 2018

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Best known for being the toughest member of Oedo Tai, Kagetsu is a Stardom wrestler that has major potential with Mae Young Classic audiences. She made a huge splash in the Women of Honor tournament in her match against crowd favorite Sumie Sakai, and she is known for her speed and agility as well as her power moves.

Kagetsu has a lot of arrogance and swagger and could be set up easily as the heel to beat in the semi-finals. She also has a past with Toni Storm after taking the World of Stardom belt off of her in June, so that could be a fun storyline to bring into the Mae Young Classic. If Toni Storm is in it, that is. (Seriously, is there any chance she won’t be?)



Speaking of Stardom and existing beef with Toni Storm, here’s a Stardom wrestler who could bring some cool stuff to the Mae Young Classic. Jungle Kyona seems to be Ayla from Chrono Trigger if she was a wrestler. She’s adorable but tough, and she brings a somewhat unexpected strong woman style into her matches.

Check out her match with Kairi Sane (AKA Hojo), where she breezes through Cesaro’s move list in an attempt to take the champ down. Kyona is a fun face with an unbeatable spirit and watching her tear up the first couple rounds of the Mae Young Classic would be delightful. Jungle Jungle!