With the amount of main roster call ups that have gone wrong, it raises the question, does Vince McMahon even watch WWE NXT?
We’ve seen it so much over the last few years. Someone in WWE NXT captures us, and we’re so invested in their character, and we think “man, I can’t wait to see what he does on the main roster.” Then, a lot of the time, the answer ends up being less than we anticipated. Why is this though? Surely for most of these guys you can see what worked for them in NXT and just apply that to the main roster right? Yet we see it time and time again, especially in this recent wave of NXT call ups.
The biggest problem here is that we are having guys from NXT get called up with no plan in place of what they’re going to do as soon as they get there. This is why we end up with things like Andrade Cien Almas having a couple squash matches then doing nothing for weeks. Or Sanity having 3 months of “coming soon” video packages.
Photo Credit: WWE.com
After close to three months of waiting, Sanity finally made their debut on Smackdown Live just a couple weeks ago. After that, it could not be more clear that WWE has no plans for these guys at all. They were set to debut in a match against the Usos, but instead did a beat down angle before the bell rang. Fast forward one week, and we see Eric Young accept an open challenge for Jeff Hardy’s United States Championship. This match was not very good, and included a terrible botch on a twist of fate on Eric Young. The match ended with the Usos running in to end the match, and that would lead to 6 man tag match being set up.
This match also wasn’t very good, and was not a good start at all for Sanity. Their gimmick is supposed to be that all three of these guys are unhinged mad men right? And yet, the most exciting thing they did this whole match were rest holds. Nothing screams unhinged mad men like rest holds, right? I was expecting to see a lot more viciousness from them in this match, and there really was none of that. They were not given the opportunity to stand out in any way, and that really hurts the chances of getting anyone invested in their characters. You only get one chace to make a first impression.
To top all of that off, they lost the match! In their debut in a 6 man tag match, with all three of them wrestling, they lost. I’m never one to jump the gun and say “well Sanity is ruined” or “they’re burying Sanity” because as we all know, things can turn around very quickly. However, I will still say that this was an awful way to start with Sanity, and it will be very hard for me to take them seriously after this.