NJPW G1 Special 2018 Results, Highlights, and Grades

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IWGP Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks(c) def EVIL & SANADA

This wasn’t quite as cohesive or nuanced as the match these teams put on at Dominion, but it still delivered a healthy dose of drama and fast-paced action. There were a couple of great near falls towards the end of the match that felt entirely appropriate at this point in the feud. Great stuff. I was pulling for EVIL & SANADA (partially because I would’ve loved to get a rubber match), but I can’t complain about The Bucks retaining. They’re fitting in perfectly with the heavyweight division and are clearly a force to be reckoned with.

Sidenote: I appreciate the foresight and thoughtfulness behind the decision to have EVIL & SANADA go fully heel for the first time in over 6 months. This maximized crowd response, as the fine people of San Francisco were never ever going to root against The Bucks.

Nick and Matt Jackson seriously blow me away every single time I watch them wrestle. Take nothing away from EVIL & SANADA. They’re spectacular wrestlers, and have more than pulled their weight in this rivalry, but I can’t help but swoon over The Young Bucks. They’re head and shoulders above every other tag team on Earth right now. Nobody can touch them.

Rating: ****1/4