WWE Extreme Rules 2018: 3 Reasons Why Finn Balor Should Win

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Photo Source: WWE.com

The Main Event Needs Finn Balor

It’s no secret that the main events of Monday night have been getting…at least a bit stale. Anchored by Bobby Lashley, the disappearing act known as Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, and of course Roman Reigns. These four have been in the main event for what seems like ages now, and although Strowman is endlessly entertaining, one out of four actually is bad. In order to revitalize Raw‘s main event scene, the WWE needs to start rebuilding Finn Balor.

Balor vs Corbin is a feud that WWE seems to really want to push, and this could be why they’re pushing it. For Balor to look like a legitimate threat to guys like Reigns, Lashley, and even Lesnar, he needs to make up for his smaller size with much bigger wins. Balor might look like a million dollars, but casual fans need to know that he is on par with the guys who are absolutely jacked, i.e. Reigns and Lashley.

The WWE need a new, entertaining, main event star, and Finn Balor can be that for them. Remember when he was lighting Monday nights on fire back in the summer of 2016? Put him back there; you’ll have just the same magic once again.