WWE: Analyzing All The Falls In Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins

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The Eighth Fall

For what seemed like an eternity, Rollins held a distinct advantage over Ziggler, but he just couldn’t get that three-count off of a wrestler who remains one of WWE’s most resilient in these situations. Ziggler was playing defense through and through, desperately clearing dangerous balls into the box and parking all ten men in the back (to borrow a soccer analogy), while Rollins was getting to the point where he needed to bring Manuel Neuer up into attack.

But unlike Germany at the World Cup against South Korea, Rollins tied the match up at 4 instead of conceding, even though Ziggler went for a big move himself.

This move was a smooth one, too. Rollins countered the superkick and launched Ziggler into the turnbuckle, and Dolph once again provided another textbook head-first, turnbuckle sell. As Ziggler dropped back down from the turnbuckle, Rollins was in the perfect position to scoop him up, roll him up, and tie the Iron Man match.

It was more smart wrestling from Rollins, who knew exactly how Ziggler would fall and understood that Ziggler wouldn’t have the energy to kick out of a roll-up from a turnbuckle move. That appears to be Dolph’s weakness tonight.