WWE NXT: 5 Wrestlers With Main Roster Megastar Potential

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Source: WWE.Com

5. Ricochet

Ricochet is just one of those guys that has a captivating aura around him. He can get over on his athleticism alone, and his confident character and packaging make him look like a full-on superhero. Even his entrance theme screams that there is something special about this one guy, and regardless of what it is, fans are going to stay to find out. The WWE needs more of that, with their ratings coming in as low as they have been in years.

Ricochet is a lot like a human rubber band, come to life, and trained to wrestle. And yet, he still knows how to put on one hell of an emotional match. His match against Velveteen Dream at NXT Takeover: Chicago II was perhaps my favorite match of the night on a show that was filled with trerrific bouts.

But Ricochet’s ability to out-athleticism the Dream at the end was a great finish that makes both men look good. Ricochet is a god-like athlete, so how is Dream supposed to keep up with him at all? All in all, the presence that the former “King” Ricochet brings to the ring keeps audiences glued to their television sets, and put butts in seats for every demographic.