WWE Raw Power Rankings: Ronda Rousey the Only Believable Superstar

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20. The Revival (last week: 17)

A few weeks back, The Revival had a trio of matches against Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley. At the time, it seemed like it was the kick in the pants Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson needed to get back on track in the tag team division. But in the two weeks since, Dash and Dawson have been relegated to “watch the Raw Tag Team Champions on the backstage monitors” status.

On the one hand, that means The Revival is most likely next in line for a title match. They wouldn’t be getting so much air time watching, uh, the program filling the air time if they weren’t next up. On the other hand, it’s depressing to feel like it’s another stop and start program for the Top Guys. We’ll see where things go heading towards SummerSlam.

19. Tyler Breeze (last week: not ranked)

When Fandango went down with an injury, my fear was that Tyler Breeze would be a forgotten superstar. Well, not that he was a major cog in the Raw wheel before Dango busted his wing. But lately, if one half of a tag team is hurt, the other partner is pulled from TV rather than go it alone.

So seeing Breezy on Raw this week was a pleasant surprise. Even though he got a grand total of two minutes and less than one percent of the offense in the match against Mojo Rawley, he was on television. Maybe he reminded some in the WWE Universe that he’s a great character and a highly talented wrestler.