WWE Raw Power Rankings: Ronda Rousey the Only Believable Superstar

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18. Braun Strowman (last week: 8)

Over the past several weeks, Braun Strowman has become the first Money in the Bank winner who seems worse off after winning the briefcase despite actually winning all his matches. Honestly, that’s a pretty impressive feat. But rather than lose a bunch and seem weak, Strowman has just morphed into a completely unlikeable, hate-filled monster.

We all had fun when Braun was flipping over ambulances, or throwing Kalisto in dumpsters, or rising like a phoenix from the ashes after being crushed to “death” in a trash compactor. But this poor writing goes all the way back to “Braun Strowman and Nicholas, Raw Tag Team Champions, and continued through “Attempted Murderer Braun Strowman.”

17. Sarah Logan (last week: not ranked)

Did you know Sarah Logan is a Viking? It’s true, I swear. The commentary team spent the entirety of the match hammering home the fact that the Kentucky Maniac is really a Norse Nutcase. This sudden character change is both a major improvement (because Vikings are awesome) and a bit jarring (why such a sudden shift?).

As far as more important happenings with Logan this week, she won her first singles match on Raw. Ever. While I don’t doubt it, it seems impossible — never won before? Really? Maybe she can string a few wins together, or at least let some of that success rub off onto Liv Morgan in the meantime.