WWE Raw Power Rankings: Ronda Rousey the Only Believable Superstar

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14. Authors of Pain (last week: not ranked)

Earlier I wrote about The Revival being victims of stop and start pushes since their debut on the main roster nearly a year and a half ago. But what about the Authors of Pain? You want to talk stop and start? These guys disappeared for a month, then a week, then two weeks. There’s been no sustain to their run since debuting in April.

Even worse, it seems the only way Akam and Rezar can get on television these days is by squashing Titus Worldwide. There’s other teams out there — The Ascension, Slater and Rhyno, etc. — so why not change it up a bit?

13. Bobby Roode (last week: 19)

The Glorious Bobby Roode moves up a few spots this week because of his, well, his chutzpah. Coming out mid-promo to issue a challenge to the Intercontinental Champion takes guts. To do so when said IC Champ is on a major hot streak and you’re toiling away in relative obscurity takes real stones.

But Roode comes out, demands a title match, and settles for a non-title match. It’s the kind of situation that in years past would have meant Roode wins the non-title match to earn a championship match at a later date. Thankfully, WWE didn’t do that here, and Roode put up a valiant effort in defeat. It’s the kind of performance that will help him turn things around with any luck.