WWE: 5 Best Segments This Week; Heel Randy Orton is Back

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Photo Credit: WWE.com

The Miz Delivers a Eulogy

On paper, this seems like a bad idea and something that could turn into something awful. Had it been anyone other than The Miz, that is. The Miz shows time and time again that he can and will make any promo work. As long as he has a microphone in his hand, things will go right.

Miz started off this “funeral” by smugly saying that this isn’t about him, before nonchalantly throwing in how his reality TV show Miz and Misses debuts on USA following SmackDown next week, and that he won the MVP of the Celebrity Softball game. It’s funny to see how every time Miz brings up his reality TV show that he gets a baby face pop from the crowd.

Miz had some great lines here, my favorite being that Daniel Bryan only wanted to reunite with Kane to roll out some of Daniel’s greatest hits, but “no one is buying the album.” Miz would finish this off by calling Daniel Bryan’s return a “bust” and that he is “ruining his own legacy, but no one has the courage to tell him.”

Bryan would eventually come in from behind Miz and get one good shot in before the “pallbearers” would intervene to allow Miz to make his get away. For some reason these pallbearers all looked like they could be wrestlers, kind of like the cops and security guards who show up on WWE television. Weird. Nonetheless, Miz’s performance here was, per usual, great.