ROH Honor For All 2018: Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon Results And Grades

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ROH Honor for All featured a massive NWA Worlds Championship match between Flip Gordon and Nick Aldis. Did Flip win the title and get booked for All In? Read on and find out.

The show opened with Scorpio Sky cutting a promo about Punishment Martinez. Sky notes that Martinez isn’t a normal man. He’s a man that destroys his opponents. Sky said that Martinez often wins his matches before they even start because of fear, and Sky isn’t afraid. ROH was looking to start the show hot with a title match.

Punishment Martinez (c) vs. Scorpio Sky (SoCal Uncensored) – ROH World Television Championship

Sky tried to use his speed to stay on top of Martinez, but unfortunately for him, Punishment is fast, and he was able to hit a double stomp on Sky. Martinez whipped Sky into the corner really hard.

Punishment threw Sky across the ring with a Falcon Arrow, which was quite impressive. Martinez went for a back body drop, but Sky hit a double stomp to Punishment’s back! Sky then hit a top rope hurricanrana on Martinez.

Scorpio Sky hit another hurricanrana and then nailed a tope con giro, sending Martinez to the floor! Martinez kicked out. Punishment went for a Psycho Driver, but Sky countered. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out too well as Martinez killed Sky with a lariat. Sky managed to counter a chokeslam and hit a brainbuster, but Martinez kicked out. Martinez hit a kick on the apron and followed up with a curb stomp right onto the apron.

Martinez hit another curb stop right into the bottom turnbuckle in the corner. That was crazy. Martinez hit a huge South of Heaven Chokeslam for the pinfall victory.

Result: Punishment Martinez

Rating: 2.75 stars out of 5

This was a fun little opening match as Punishment Martinez continues to impress with his first title reign in ROH. ROH has something in Martinez, and it seems they are starting to get behind him here.

Karen Q vs. Sumie Sakai – Proving Ground Match

If Karen Q defeats Sumie Sakai she will be getting a Women of Honor Championship match. Sumie hit a dropkick to Karen Q and soon thereafter hit a bulldog. Sakai hit a missile dropkick off the middle rope, and drove Karen to the mat. Karen pulled Sumie’s hair and was able to start getting the heat on Sakai. After a few minutes of driving Sumie into the mat, Karen was able to get a 2-count.

Karen Q went for a Boston Crab, but Sumie powered out of it. However, in doing so, Karen cartwheeled away and nailed Sumie again. Q yelled that Sumie should stay down before she hit a forearm, a back elbow, and a running kick in the corner. A urange by Karen saw Sumie hit the mat again. Karen Q placed Sumie Sakai on the top rope, and Sakai fought out of it before hitting a flying cross body.

Sakai hit a neckbreaker, but Karen kicked out. Karen Q managed to hit a Full Nelson Slam on Sumie, but Sumie kicked out again. Karen followed this up by getting a Boston Crab, and Sumie struggled to get to the ropes. Sumie escaped, but Karen Q hit a buckle bomb and followed it up with a Samoan drop. Sakai kicked out again. Karen Q grabbed the Women’s title and a chair. She put the title on the apron, and got the ref to take the chair away. While the ref was distracted, she threw the title at Sumie and claimed that to the ref that Sumie was going to hit her. While Sumie was distracted, Q tried to hit another Samon drop, but Sumie rolled her up and got the pinfall victory.

Result: Sumie Sakai

Rating: 2.25 stars out of 5

The Women of Honor have a great champion in Sumie Sakai, but it is noticeable that the rest of the division, outside of the Stardom wrestlers, is not quite up to Sakai’s level. Nonetheless, ROH seems committed to elevating the division. It just takes time, and ROH is willing to highlight the women, even if they are not quite ready for it, which indicates that they are willing to take chances too. I must applaud ROH for that. Here’s hoping they can secure one or two more signings to boost the division.