WWE Raw 5 Takeaways: Evolution Takes Center Stage

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

4. Sasha Banks And Bayley’s Reconciliation Sets Up Potential Betrayal

A storyline that had been prominent for several months was the friendship issues between Sasha Banks and Bayley.  The two friends went through tough times as of late and it appeared as if their friendship was over and they could be headed for a big payoff match.

However, since last week, it appears as if Banks and Bayley are finally back on track after Banks admitted she still cares about Bayley last week after the two had a tag team match.  Last night saw the two back on the same page again as they competed in tag team action against two local competitors.

As expected, Banks and Bayley got the win in a short amount of time and acted as one in the process.  They embraced after the match and everything is all and well with the friendship between The Boss and The Hugger, right?  For now, they are back on track, but it could be setting up another potential huge moment in this storyline.

Maybe Banks is just setting Bayley up to stab her in the back and turn on her for good.  That would be quite the sight to see given how great Banks was a heel in NXT in the past alongside the babyface Bayley.  At the same time, maybe they will remain together and no heel turn will come out of it again.  The alternative, however, seems a lot more enticing in all honesty.

Keep an eye on this angle moving forward because it seems like something big will come out of it no matter if Banks turns on Bayley or not.