WWE Raw: Results, Highlights, and Grades for July 30, 2018

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Finn Bálor vs. Constable Baron Corbin

Result: Constable Baron Corbin defeated Finn Bálor via pinfall

Rating: 2.75 out of 5 stars

Before the match gets started, there’s a quick backstage segment with Lesnar and Heyman. Apparently, that’s the gameplan tonight — make everyone think Lesnar is purposefully avoiding the crowd until he magically shows up in the main event segment. But two things really stuck out from this little interaction:

  • Lesnar chose to read “Backwoodsman” magazine in his clearly personal locker room. I don’t want to sound mean, but the idea of Brock voluntarily reading is hilarious to me. I can’t even picture the guy reading a comic book. The only improvement would have been Lesnar wearing Sami Zayn’s granny glasses while he was reading.
  • Brock just outright admits to not watching Raw, even asking Heyman, “Why would I watch the show?” Speaking for all of us, man.

Anyway, Bálor vs. Corbin — again — was pretty much the same match they always have. Finn is the “little” guy who can hang with much larger opponents, but gets annihilated in the process. So the majority of the match is Corbin utilizing his size and power advantage while Bálor bumps his rear end off, trying to use his quickness to create an opening.

Much like the opening promo, though, there’s nothing new in this match. I hate to steal from Jonathan Coachman of all people, but my one word for this first 30 minutes or so of Raw tonight is “rerun.” They say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But at some point, spinning your wheels or treading water gets a bit tiring. Sooner or later, there needs to be forward momentum.

The only thing that this version of the match had going for it? It got a little time to breathe. I feel like the noticeably short opening promo segment threw the producers for a loop, and the answer was, “Uh, Finn, go get beat up for a bit longer!”

It helped the match out a little, since the extra time allowed them to do more of the same stuff without feeling rushed. But ultimately, it probably went a little longer than it should have, because I started checking my watch after the second commercial break. Corbin getting a win to even things up also ensures this will go at least one more match.

TL;DR version: if you’ve seen any prior matches between Corbin and Bálor, you’ve seen this one. It may have been a bit better than the first match, but overall, it was a waste of time.

Kurt Angle Grows Some Guts

Listen, threatening Paul Heyman with the termination of his contract may not be the punishment Angle thinks it is. I mean, literally a half hour ago Heyman was bragging about heading out the door with Brock Lesnar to the UFC.

But that’s Angle’s play to get Lesnar in the ring before the end of the night. Let’s see how it plays out.