Impact Wrestling: Fantasy Booking A World Cup Tournament In 2018

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Credit: Impact Wrestling

Team LAX: Homicide, Fenix, Angel Ortiz, Santana, and Diamante

Sure, LAX is having their fair share of problems, but nothing unites a nation quite like the prospect of an international wrestling tournament. LAX is fine.

Konnan would likely lead this team as their coach, but Homicide is an easy pick to captain this side, having been in the business for 25 years. The Urban Legend’s debut in Impact Wrestling essentially marked the founding of the Latin American X-Change.

Fenix is one of the best high-flyers in pro wrestling today. He’s yet to make his mark on the X-Division, but it’s only a matter of time before he’s carrying around gold in Impact. His inclusion in this team makes them a favorite, especially with the theoretical semi-final being an Ultimate X match. Don’t believe me? Then check out the way he treats the ropes like a trampoline.

Angel Ortiz and Santana have tag team chemistry as good as anyone. EYFBO is one of the most exciting tag teams to watch in wrestling today. Having been in TNA for under two years, they already have the second longest combined reign for the tag titles behind Beer Money. It doesn’t matter if it’s one, two, or three teams, the new LAX would still get the jump on anyone who stands in their way of coming out on top.

In a short amount of time, Diamante has proven that she’s got everything it takes to be a star in Impact Wrestling. After missing some time due to injury, she’s back and will hopefully pick up where she left off last year. One can assume with Konnan as her mentor that she’ll do just fine. As far as this tournament goes, she might be not be favored to win, but favorites don’t always fare well in World Cup tournaments.