WWE Raw Power Rankings: Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey on Fire

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20. The Revival (last week: 18)

19. The B-Team (last week: 7)

While we’re at it, we might as well throw in The Deleters of Worlds, Titus Worldwide, and the Authors of Pain as 21, 22, and 23. Over the past several weeks, the tag team division on WWE Raw, has gone from “promising” and “hopeful” to “sad” and “directionless.” It’s got a side of “completely forgotten about” to go with it.

Our Raw Tag Team Champions, The B-Team, are probably in the best shape, but really only by virtue of having the titles. They had a non-title match this week against The Revival, which ended in a no contest when Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt body-swapped half of each team. It wasn’t the best look for the division.

Dash and Dawson are probably the best tag team wrestlers in the company, from NXT on up. But there is next to no focus given on Raw to the greatness they’re capable of. There’s occasional mention of how they are two-time NXT Tag Team Champions, but no one points out what they do in a match that makes them so dangerous — blind tags, legal double-team maneuvers, exploiting the five count, cutting off the ring, and their chemistry.

As for Titus Worldwide and the Authors of Pain, well, at least they’re on television. It’s possibly the “feud” with the least heat in professional wrestling right now, and that’s saying something.