3 Reasons Why Seth Rollins Should Win at WWE SummerSlam 2018

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Source: WWE.com

3. Sets Up a Feud or Storyline with Dean Ambrose

Over eight months ago, back in December, Dean Ambrose suffered a triceps injury just as he and Seth Rollins were trying to reclaim their Raw Tag Team Championship. This past Monday night to close out Raw, Ambrose made a surprising return to confirm that he will indeed be in the corner of his former Shield brethren this Sunday at SummerSlam during his match against Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title.

With or without the title, there is a lot of storyline potential that can come about between Ambrose and Rollins. However, we think that such a storyline–or a possible feud–would feel far more pronounced and important if Rollins had that title.

Of course, there’s the obvious stakes of Ambrose and Rollins feuding over the title. But if we can bring up hypotheticals for a second, let’s hypothetically say that Roman Reigns wins the Universal Championship from Brock Lesnar this Sunday on the same night that Rollins reclaims his IC Title. Where does that leave Ambrose?

Empty handed.

Feeling left out as the one Shield member who isn’t holding a championship could be reason enough to give Ambrose motivation to turn heel, and start targeting one of the championships belonging to his Shield mates.