3 Reasons Why Seth Rollins Should Win at WWE SummerSlam 2018

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Photo Source: WWE.com

2. More IC Open Challenges

At a time where Raw’s main World Champion was M.I.A., Seth Rollins’s Intercontinental Championship was the title for quite some time. Since it was the most prestigious and important singles title on the brand, that meant that everyone on the roster was gunning for it as if it were the main championship.

To highlight Rollins as a top champion, his weekly Open Challenge was instated, and every week, these challenges became a highlight of each episode of Raw. The Open Challenge was used as a vehicle for young stars to step and show their stuff, while other times, it was a smart means to kickstart memorable rivalries. His rivalry with Elias that was heading into Money in the Bank 2018 was especially a fan favorite, and helped audiences see Elias improve as an in-ring competitor.

Every week, even when Monday Night Raw had a lackluster episode, the segment where Rollins would issue his Open Challenge and proceed to have a stellar title defense would consistently prove to be the best segment of the night.

Ever since he lost the title, the Seth Rollins Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge has been sorely missed, and we hope that if he does win this Sunday, the IC Challenge will make a comeback to Monday Night Raw.