WWE NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 4 Results, Highlights, And Grades

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The Velveteen Dream vs. EC3

Result: The Velveteen Dream Defeats EC3 

Rating: Very Good

Velveteen Dream always has amazing ring gear at TakeOver Specials, and they usually tell a not-so-subtle message. Consider this one the least subtle one yet, as his tights literally say, “Call Me Up Vince,” ahead of fan speculation that he could be called up to the main roster post-SummerSlam.

EC3 just toys with the Velveteen Dream, imposing his strength advantage on his opponent in a way that is borderline insulting.  In fact, it became almost comical, as EC3 would launch Dream in the air to transition into different holds, forcing Dream to expend energy.

This match was all about mindgames and taunting, with EC3 even screaming “Say My Name! E-C-3!” in between having his way with The Dream.

But that wouldn’t last, as the Dream hit his beautiful, twisting DDT on EC3…on the steel ramp no less! Dream wouldn’t stop there, as he stayed on EC3 to launch the former Impact Wrestling star into the ring post. He went for the cover, but EC3 kicked out with ease.

They took the fight to the outside, with Velveteen Dream smashing EC3 face-first into the announce desk several times. The taunts continued, as Dream threw water all over EC3, drinking the rest of the bottle after spitting into the air. But once again, any advantage Dream gained was merely short-lived.

Desperate to put away The Dream after several near-falls, EC3 ascended the top rope. He tried to hit a crossbody on The Dream, but it was countered into a roll-up wherein Dream grabbed more than just a handful of tights for a two-count.

No matter how many power moves EC3 hit, Dream managed to kick out at two each time. That said, each subsequent move caused Dream to expend more and more energy, as the kickouts became more desperate as the match wore on.

After EC3 had already kicked out of a Rolling Death Valley Driver, Dream hit him with another one on the apron and THEN hit him with an elbow on the apron for good measure. Now that’s brutal.

And just like that, Dream defeated EC3 in what may have been a shocking result for some.

Rating: VERY GOOD, This was a thoroughly entertaining match. The ridiculousness from Dream was better than ever. I loved the tights, I loved the nearfalls, I loved the taunts, and I loved the fact that EC3 and Dream had a great match that was an entertaining spectacle and not anything overdone.