WWE SmackDown Results, Highlights, And Grades For August 21, 2018

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AJ Styles Cuts His Promo After SummerSlam

The WWE Championship match at SummerSlam ended in a disqualification, because AJ Styles brought out a steel chair to beat the hell out of Samoa Joe for insulting his family at ringside. Joe stood up on the announce table, proclaiming that while Styles may not be able to return home, he’ll be the family’s new “daddy”.

Everything about that match made this rivalry feel even more personal, and Styles has an interview with Renee Young tonight to address what happened at SummerSlam. Styles vs. Joe could be the best match at Hell in a Cell, and this is where the build to that Pay Per View likely begins.

Styles gets “Who’s Your Daddy?” chants before he speaks. It takes him time to gather his thoughts before he tells Renee that SummerSlam didn’t end the way he wanted it to. As expected, Styles doesn’t regret what he did to Joe, and while he isn’t proud he lost the match due to his actions, he believes Joe crossed the line.

Before Styles can finish his promise to rip Samoa Joe’s heart out, the Samoan Submission Machine blindsides him with the Coquina Clutch.

Joe screams into the camera that “DADDY’S GONE NIGHT NIGHT.”

Wow. Sign me up for as much of this as possible.

Grade: A, Watch this. Just watch it. I mean, it’s must-see every week anyway, right? But this week? Joe made it special, even in a brief amount of time.