Hell in a Cell: 3 reasons why Roman Reigns should win

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3. Strowman doesn’t need the title.

When most fans think of great world champions, names like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Ric Flair are usually at the top of their respective lists. As diverse as those men were personality-wise, all of them shared one trait: they were world-class performers that could have great matches with a variety of opponents.

Over the past few years, Reigns has worked his way into that category. While no one would say that he’s the best wrestler in the world or anything like that, “The Big Dog” has shown his in-ring versatility time and time again, the sort of adaptability that most world champions need.

Stowman, on the other hand, fits more into a role that plenty of men his size have filled: upper midcard monster babyface/heel that occasionally slides into the main event scene. There’s nothing wrong with that position; it’s a prominent and lucrative spot and, if used correctly, can help elevate wrestlers to the top of the card. Strowman is an attraction, and a wrestler of his size and skill set doesn’t necessarily need the heavyweight title to validate his place on the card.

This isn’t to say that Strowman should never have a run with the big red belt; it would look a bit silly if a character that’s booked as dominantly as Stowman didn’t win the title at least once. The big man will get his time in the sun eventually, but for now, he has to lose to Reigns for two reasons…