Impact Wrestling: Reviews, Grades, and Analysis for September 20, 2018

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OVE vs. Aerostar, Hijo Del Vikingo, and Laredo Kid

We’re kicking things off with OVE Ohio Versus Everything versus Aerostar, Hijo Del VIkingo, and Laredo king, but I guarantee by time this match starts, it will be very clear that it’s more about Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix, and by proxy Brian Cage. There’s fire in the ring. The Mexican taping are proving to be a lot of fun already.

OVE has a fun new metal entrance, and I am digging it! Hopefully this is a permenant change and not just for the special tapings, because this really fits their vibe.

It doesn’t take long for all six men to square up in the ring at the same time. The crowd is very clear with who they’re behind; “Me-xi-co” chants erupt very early. Jake Crist land three BIG hits to Laredo Kid’s head because Aerostar is in for the tag, but then in comes Callihan.

Hijo del Vikingo walks on his hands across the ring, so that’s the kind of match we have going on. Vikingo dives out of the ring only to be caught and power-slammed by all of OVE. Aerostar flies off the shoulders of Laredo Kid onto OVE. Laredo Kid isn’t far behind, and soon after Vikingo follows suit. This is a very aerial match, as you had to expect.

OVE continue their theme of three-man offense in the ring, just abusing Laredo Kid in the ring. Laredo King makes a tag out to Vikingo, but gets reprimanded by the ref for a big kick when he’s not the legal man.

Aerostar lands a killer double-cutter to the Crists, and lands a springboard codebreaker to Dave. Aerostar, Laredo Kid, and Vikingo all help to get the pin on Dave; yes, that’s all three at once.

OVE nails what is I’m calling to call a chicken cutter – Jake Crist lands the Cutter on Vikingo while the two men are suspended on Callihan and Dave’s shoulders. OVE gets the triple cover.

Grade: B

The athleticism during this match, especially on the side of Team Aerostar, was unbelievable. Each team functioned cohesively. There was nothing story-wise to put this over the edge, but the fundamentals were solid.

Meanwhile, Matt Sydal wants to tag with Rich Swann, and Rich Swann just isn’t having. However, they seemingly have a match against Pentagon and Rey Fenix. Swann even has to admit that match is too sweet to pass up.