WWE Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 Episode 2 Review and Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

The second episode of WWE Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 was live from Denver Tuesday night.

This week on the Mixed Match Challenge, hometown hero Bobby Lashley and his new partner Mickie James took on the dysfunctional Mahalicia. Additionally, the lovable, quirky underdog duo of R-Truth and Carmella faced off against the defending champs Awe-ska.

What did WWE have in store this week? Let’s head to the recap.

Bobby Lashley & Mickie James (with Lio Rush) vs Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox (with Sunil Singh)

Lashley and Mahal start the match. Mahal runs the ropes, and Lashley impressively leapfrogs him twice. Jinder isn’t impressed, and he challenges Bobby to a push-up contest. Naturally, Lashley dominates so Jinder calls his partner over and starts doing some with her on his back. Country dominance follows suit. Sunil tries to sit on Alicia, but Jinder crumbles under the added weight. Professional wrestling, ladies and gentleman.

Lashley hits a neckbreaker and a powerslam. Cover, but Fox breaks it up. Lashley then leads Alicia to he and his partner’s corner. Tag to Mickie, and she gets the top rope Thesz press and a roll up with a bridge for a couple of near falls. Fox fights back for a while, but Mickie gets free and goes for the tag. Jinder cuts her off and takes out Lashley.

A distracted Mickie turns into a big boot from Fox. Kick out, and Alicia starts having a meltdown. Mahal yells “Shanti” which just makes it worse. James gets up, throws her opponent into Jinder, and finally makes the tag.

Lashley runs wild while James and Fox take each other out. Mahal fights back with a jumping knee, and Lio starts encouraging his man from ringside. Sunil isn’t having it and shoves him, but Rush answers with a jumping enziguri.

Mahal sees the commotion and tries to take out the 20 year old piece of gold, but he’s too quick. Lio leads Mahal back into the ring, where Bobby connects with a crossbody and the delayed vertical suplex for the 1 2 3.

Country Dominance def Mahalicia 

I love how much goofy fun the wrestlers are able to have in these MMC matches, but the push-up contest was just a little too much for me. Compared to the creativity behind both of last week’s matchups, this felt a bit lazy and uninspired.

On the positive side of things- Mickie’s run in the middle of the match was great, and Lio’s quickness and charisma getting the spotlight for the finish was cool to see. Overall the match was a fairly good time, it just didn’t quite live up to the standard set by episode one.

PS: Mickie Bobby > Country Dominance

Rating: **1/2