Pro Wrestling EVE’s ‘Global Women Strike’ Review

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Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

Kay Lee Ray and Viper vs. Charlie Morgan and Laura Di Matteo

These are four of the best women’s wrestlers on the scene, and I have my eye on Laura Di Matteo as 2019’s biggest breakout star. I thought she was the standout of the WarGames match at Wrestle Queendom, and I’m excited to see her in this match with three of the best wrestlers in the world. Oh yeah, and it’s pretty damn sweet to see Kay Lee Ray and Viper on the same tag team, seeing as how they put together a top-tier match at World of Sport for the Women’s Championship on last week’s WOS show.

The two best wrestlers in this match, KLR and Morgan, start things off, and, wow, KLR is so smooth it isn’t even funny.

After KLR started showing off to Morgan with some kip-ups to play into the fact that Morgan has never beaten her, Morgan tried to cheekily turn a handshake into a roll-up. It was a nice idea, but it’s going to take a lot more than that for Morgan to prove she can beat KLR.

Viper and KLR are having some early issues, as they keep tagging each other in and out quickly. Can Morgan and Di Matteo take advantage of their clashing egos? Weirdly enough, Viper and KLR find their groove moments later, showing that they can work together when they need to.

Di Matteo comes in, and Dann Read points out that Di Matteo has viewed Kay Lee Ray as her dream opponent. She nearly catches KLR off guard and quickly proves herself to KLR with timely counters and a big blockbuster for a near-fall.

When Morgan tags back in, she gets to work on isolating KLR, identifying her as the wrestler they want to focus on so that they don’t have to deal with Viper’s strength. The exchanges between Morgan and KLR here are must-see, and I absolutely loved hearing them trade chops. Morgan even kicked at KLR’s arm to prevent her from tagging out, which was another nice touch in this match.

KLR finds something extra, though, elbowing Di Matteo off the apron and hitting Morgan with a lovely DDT. Both her and Morgan are on the ground, and while Di Matteo comes in to prevent KLR from finally tagging in Viper, KLR is able to toss her aside. Viper comes in “for real” to clean house with her right arm. She and KLR then hit some insane double-team moves!

The next minute of this match is ridiculous. Watch it if you can, because it’s one of the hottest thirty seconds of tag team wrestling I’ve seen this year.

Another great touch was KLR breaking up a submission Di Matteo had on Viper, setting up Viper to pick up Di Matteo and help start some more double-team offense.

The finish of this match was even better, with KLR stealing a win after a monster plancha from Morgan to the outside. Di Matteo was inches away from submitting KLR until Viper switched the momentum of the submission to allow KLR to roll her up. Di Matteo wanted to impress badly in this match, and I have a feeling she’ll get her revenge on KLR, but who will defeat KLR first, Di Matteo or Morgan? Di Matteo, remember, faces KLR at “Strong Women Style”.

Final Thoughts: I had a lot of fun watching this tag match, and all four of these women killed it. There were several memorable moments here.