Pro Wrestling EVE’s ‘Global Women Strike’ Review

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Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

Holidead vs. Rhia O’Reilly, SHE-1 Qualifier

Holidead immediately shows what she’s about on her EVE debut, attacking O’Reilly with a flurry of fists before the bell rings. This is going to be a brawl, and that’s where O’Reilly shines.

Although I am familiar with Holidead, I haven’t watched her wrestle as often as I’d like to, so this was an important match for me. I came away quite impressed with Holidead, and I saw several others on social media sing her praises. She and O’Reilly worked so well together in this match, and that says a lot about how underrated these two are.

Holidead got so much heat from the audience here, and she put an exclamation mark on that with a “guillotine leg drop” on O’Reilly on the apron, but O’Reilly was able to kick out! She also showed off her resiliency again by kicking out of a picture-perfect “Undead Drop”, which was set up beautifully by Holidead.

Rhia picked up the win to qualify for the SHE-1 with a last-ditch flurry of offense, including her violent DDT. This was a huge win for O’Reilly, but Holidead certainly impressed by giving her babyface opponent everything she could handle.

Final Thoughts: If you need an introduction to Holidead, you should watch this match. I was thoroughly impressed, as were Read and Grace on commentary. As for O’Reilly, this was yet another solid display from one of wrestling’s most consistent professionals.