Pro Wrestling EVE’s ‘Global Women Strike’ Review

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Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

Sammii Jayne vs. Hana Kimura SHE-1 Qualifier

Every time Sammii Jayne is on the card, her match is must-see. You just never know what little thing she’s going to do to get under your skin. In this match, she worked on Hana’s wrist and started clapping on her wrist with her own hand in mocking fashion, chanting to mock the crowd.

Jordynne Grace put it best when it comes to Jayne. She doesn’t have to cheat to win because she’s so damn good, but she cheats because it makes it easier.

Jayne’s matches are always good for some comedy, and few wrestlers are able to mix comedy and actual wrestling as deftly as she is. I couldn’t control myself when Hana started “tiring” Jayne out, calling into question Jayne’s ring shape after having been out of action for a bit.

I loved the way Hana played off the crowd to get into this match, and it’s easy for the crowd to get behind whoever is facing Jayne. That’s just how easy it is for people to hate Jayne!

This match was ALL about Hana, who kicked out of Jayne’s finisher at one point and blew people away with how she was able to come back into this match. The entire audience was 100% behind Hana, and that’s always a sight to behold in wrestling.

Jayne finally put Hana away, but Hana went down as defiantly as anyone could. She lost this match, but, as the saying goes, she definitely won over the crowd.

Final Thoughts: I enjoyed this match. It’s time for me to watch more of Hana Kimura’s work going forward, because this was a fine display.