Pro Wrestling EVE’s ‘Global Women Strike’ Review

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Jetta vs. Kay Lee Ray

The second half of the show opens up with Jetta vs. Kay Lee Ray, and, as usual, Jetta decides to have some fun with the crowd. She goes out of her way to say that KLR is her favorite wrestler and moves in for a handshake. KLR, of course, isn’t sure if she should trust Jetta, because, y’know, she’s Jetta! But KLR accepts the handshake, Jetta shockingly doesn’t play any tricks, and this exciting match gets under way.

The sportsmanship from Jetta didn’t last long at all, as her first move was to go after KLR’s hair during the collar-and-elbow tie-up. She then pled with KLR, stating that she doesn’t want to do any “strong style” stuff, even though she’s a big fan of her opponent.

Jetta hamming it up and trying to do a kip-up was…an experience. I don’t mean that in a bad way! It’s just that Jetta is so extra that we all have to play along and roll our eyes while laughing hysterically on the inside!

This match ended up being far more dramatic than I anticipated. I thought that KLR would take down Jetta after maybe like ten minutes, but we were getting right up against the 30-minute time limit here. KLR was worn out from defeating Morgan and Di Matteo earlier, and Jetta took full advantage of that. The craziest moment of the match was probably when she kicked out of the Gory-Bomb at one, to the complete shock of everyone in attendance.

It took a Swanton for KLR to finally defeat Jetta, who definitely surprised us all in this one.

Final Thoughts: This is further evidence that Kay Lee Ray is one of the top five women’s wrestlers on the planet right now. As the commentary team said, this match had it all, and I was blown away. I didn’t expect this match to be half this good. Also, Kris Wolf on commentary was an absolute JOY.