Pro Wrestling EVE’s ‘Global Women Strike’ Review

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Kris Wolf vs. Nina Samuels

I expected this match to be wild and hilarious, and I wasn’t disappointed. Nina Samuels and Kris Wolf are not only great at wrestling, but they are also great at just plain having fun in the ring, even if it means making fun of themselves. I got a kick out of everything these two did, and I’m probably as high on Samuels as anybody on this Pro Wrestling EVE roster.

When Samuels said “f**k off” to the crowd chanting “Tap!” in a tongue-in-cheek manner when Wolf had her in a hold at the beginning of the match, I couldn’t help but chuckle. She just might be pro wrestling’s best trash-talker, and that includes both her trash-talking to her opponents and to the crowd.

If you want one move that encapsulates how sneaky-good Samuels is as a wrestler, check out her corkscrew pescado near the end of the match. It was an absolute thing of beauty! (As was Wolf’s bulldog less than a minute earlier.)

Wolf quite literally escaped with a win via a sunset flip after a nail-biting final two minutes that included Wolf being sprayed in the eyes by Samuels.

The best part? Seeing Wolf crowd-surf out of the ring while Samuels stood there in disbelief.

Final Thoughts: Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed this match. Samuels and Wolf always bring a different flavor to their battles in the ring, and this was no exception. The last five minutes were a real highlight, and they make up for a finish that felt mildly off.