We’re closing in on the final episodes from MLW’s War Game taping in Fort Lauderdale with a World Heavyweight Title main event that will see Low Ki defend against Rey Fenix. Can Fenix become a double champion as he solidifies his split from Salina de La Renta, or will Ki crush the Promociones Dorado expatriate?
One of the most anticipated matches from MLW War Games will finally hit the airwaves tonight as Low Ki puts the MLW World Heavyweight Title on the line against rival Rey Fenix. Fenix and Pentagon have been on a tear through the MLW tag team division as its current champions and have made a powerful enemy in Salina de La Renta after ditching her to align with Konnan. While de La Renta looks to build Promociones Dorado back up, Pentagon prepares to wage war against LA Park in a Mexican Massacre Match. That gruesome battle is still yet to come on MLW Fusion, but Pentagon’s Lucha Bros partner looks to knock the legs out from under de La Renta in her quest to find her balance on top once more.
All Aboard The Crazy Train
Before anything else can happen tonight, a stray camera sitting backstage picks up Sami Callihan and Jimmy Havoc brawling through a hallway. Havoc laid out a challenge to Callihan last week, which Callihan accepted, for a match tonight, but they aren’t waiting to get in the ring. Havoc kicks Callihan down a small set of stairs into the bowels of the building, but Callihan gains control by smashing Havoc into the concrete wall. Callihan wraps his hands around Havoc’s throat, but England’s Most Dangerous Man jams his thumbs into the eyes of Callihan before Callihan returns the favor. Sami is able to break free with a punch to the head before crawling out of the hallway and off camera as Tony Schiavone worries that they’re coming their way.
Grade: Good. A fun little hectic start to the show to shine a spotlight on the fallout from War Games between the pair.
Callihan and Havoc are going to be best when they’re doing something different on the show. Just putting them in the ring and letting them wrestle out their differences would be too simple – brawling through the gritty backstage corridors of the arena is a much better fit for these two.
Jason Cade vs Myron Reed
Cade is coming off of a dissolved partnership with Jimmy Yuta and an incredibly hot match between the two several weeks back on MLW Fusion. Cade was able to pick up the win with an assist from Rhett Giddins who joins him at ringside as his muscle.
I love the turn in Cade’s attitude. He’s showing a lot more personality in everything that he does since the split with Yuta – from the way he walks, talks, and moves in the ring he’s added an entirely new dimension to himself.
Myron Reed has had a past appearance against Kotto Brazil and was signed to an MLW contract this past summer following Battle Riot. As much as Cade is looking to take his first step away from Yuta and the aftermath of their tag team split, Reed is looking to put himself on the map with what would be considered an upset victory over Cade.
Cade kickstarts this one with a running boot in the corner and nearly loses his advantage moments later until Giddins gets involved to cause a distraction. Reed gets whipped hard into the steel railing outside while Cade mouths off to the fans and smacks his gum. Again, Cade’s new character work here is going to be key to propelling him in his MLW singles career.
As Cade slows things down, we get a pop-in video of Callihan and Havoc still fighting throughout the backstage area!
Reed fights back by countering Cade’s powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana and the two spend the rest of the match trading the advantage back and forth. They utilize the two-ring setup with an incredible cross-ring cutter from Reed on Cade, clearing the ropes and aprons of both rings.
Reed goes back to a similar well to leap over the top rope toward a recovering Cade on the apron to hit a cutter onto Giddins standing on the arena floor.
As Reed ascends the top rope to put Cade away, Giddins makes himself useful again with a trip behind the referee’s back allowing Cade to put Reed away with his backslide driver.
Grade: Good. Overall an exciting match between the two middleweights, but not without its faults.
Honestly, I think this match could have benefitted from being a couple of minutes shorter. The two traded the advantage like a hot potato in the second half of the match and it just felt like a little too much. Neither man was really able to get much momentum going with it feeling like they were trading moves and spots that were impressive but lacked the emotional punch you look for in a match like this.
I also would have loved to have seen Cade get more of a decisive victory in his first post-Yuta match, but it appears Giddins will be a factor for him going forward.
After the match, as Cade prepared to address the crowd, Yuta appeared out of nowhere with a missile dropkick to the back before fleeing the scene. Yuta makes it crystal clear that he’s not done with Cade just yet!