WWE NXT UK: Recap & Reaction from Premiere Episode Oct. 17, 2018

Nearly two years after NXT launched its UK Division, the WWE Network premiered the first episode of NXT UK. Was it worth the wait?

Hey, everyone! This is exciting! The first episode of NXT UK is in the books, and their “Empire” kicked off with a bang. The brand has been in a holding pattern since the inaugural UK Championship tournament back in January 2017, but it’s the WWE Network’s new show landed at the opportune time.

With 205 Live having struggled out of the stumbling block, it was smart of the company to work out the kinks ahead of launching another brand. It’s evident from the venue and production alone that Triple H and Johnny Saint want this to be more than “Just Another Wrestling Show.”

Before we get into the action, I just want to take a second to acknowledge that there’s a reverse hurricanrana within the first few seconds of the intro reel. I repeat, a reverse hurricanrana. Buckle up kids, because things are about to get crazy! Alright, anyway onto this review!

Mark Andrews vs. Joe Coffey w/ Mark Coffey 

We’ kicked things off here with one of everyone’s favorite wrestler/pop-punk artist, Mark Andrews. The Junior frontman did battle with one of the brand’s fledgling heels in Joe Coffey. He’s accompanied to the ring, by his brother Mark, who you might remember, attacked Mandrews at the second UK Championship tournament this past summer.

At first glance, the bearded bros appear to be a Uso level of identical but don’t worry. They’re not twins. Joe is older, you know, in case you were wondering.

These two are an ideal symbiotic pairing for a hot opener. Coffey worked well as a base for White Lightning’s high-flying, and vice versa, Andrews’ size helps make the Scotsman look that much bigger.

Coffey blindsides his opponent after a Mark Coffey distraction — ah, there’s oo many Mark’s. This sets up a nice comeback from the Welshman, including a really neat little knee slide overdrive to evade a clothesline. I’m a sucker for a good for a Stun Dog Millionaire, so that was undoubtedly satisfying to see.

Evil Mark tries to save Evil Joe from some aerial offense, but they both end up getting hit by a moonsault on the outside. Coffey gets the win with a lariat, and of course, these two brutes don’t let up on the beatdown after the match. BUT HOLD THE PHONE HERE COMES GOLDEN BOY FLASH MORGAN WEBSTER to even the odds.

As you’ll see throughout the premiere, the structure of each match is simple but effective and set the table for the bigger picture. In this case, we’ve got a dastardly duo in the Coffey brothers fighting opposite two white meat, Welsh babyfaces in Andrews and Webster. Great to see the “Modfather” get this look.

Eddie Dennis Vignette

Another Welshman gets some airtime here. Eddie Dennis is an excellent heel. He’ll excel at getting heat when on the mic whether he’s on NXT UK or the main roster.

If you’re not up to date on what’s going on in Progress, he and Mark Andrews just wrapped up a year-long feud that centered around their former friendship. It looks like we’re getting something similar down the road in NXT UK. Fine by me if those two guys go to war in another banger of a TLC match.

Moustache Mountain Encourages Friendship

It’s weird watching this knowing that they filmed this while they were NXT Tag Team Champions. Seven deemed this possibly the biggest day in the history of British Wrestling. Moustache Mountain realized that they’re the only tag team on the brand.

There’s a call to action for the boys in the back to start buddying up, so they’ve got some competition for the UK Tag Team Championships. With so many morally bankrupt characters in TV and film these days, it’s great to see two wholesome characters promoting values like friendship.

Dave Mastiff Vignette

Dave claims he’s the best heavyweight wrestler in the world. It’s a big claim, but hey if you’ve only got 15 seconds to sell yourself, might as well swing for the fences. Let’s see if he can deliver later on.

Noam Dar Reminder

We’re reminded that Noam Dar’s days of being criminally underused on 205Live have come to an end and tonight he’s got Pete Dunne for the UK Championship.

“Bomber” Dave Mastiff vs. Sid Scala

Mastiff wastes no time showing he’s an absolute machine. Poor Sid Scala never stood a chance.  Dave hits a deadlift, stalling vertical suplex, so he’s got my attention! This squash match is the perfect introduction to a character like the Bomber. He’s big, he’s powerful, his chops are mean, and just because the man is 22 stone doesn’t mean he can’t hit an impressive dropkick or a cannonball in the corner.

Look for Mastiff to be a top dog (no pun intended) down the line.

Nina Samuels vs. Toni Storm 

Nina Samuels gets some airtime in an interview before the match, where she expresses her desire to make a name by beating Toni Storm. It seems unlikely, but hey at least she’s got a pretty neat theme song.

Great chain wrestling to start. Between the Cruiserweight Classic, 205Live, and both Mae Young Classic’s, WWE has introduced so many new names and faces (and heels) to its audience that it’s only going to become more difficult for performers to stand out. Fortunately, Samuels gets in some good heel work in an attempt to separate herself from the pack. Namely, a cheeky slap following a kip up from Toni Storm.

It’s unsurprising for Storm to get the win, but it’s nice to see  Samuels establish herself a bit during this quick match. Again, another simple match that shows us Toni is more than likely the future of WWE’s Women’s Division.

Noam Dar vs. Pete Dunne

We catch a fleeting glimpse of Johnny Saint, but that’s the extent of his involvement for episode one. Pete Dunne tossing his jacket at Dar is the most Bruiserweight thing of all time.

Remember when I said these matches were simple? Well, the main event is simply mad. This bout starts off and stays hot. Noam showing from the jump that he’s got all the tools to be a major star on NXT UK. While the Scotish Supernova is traditional British Catch wrestling style, he strayed from that in this match, and instead kept pace with the Dunne’s British strong style.

I don’t think there’s any amount of words I can use to describe just how fun this contest is. Noam takes the Bruiserweight to the limit, but it’s still not enough. After stomping Dar’s pinky (fancy!), Dunne hits the Bitter End to retain his championship.

The main event was the perfect way to cap off this historic night for NXT UK. Here’s to hoping that they can keep the momentum rolling into week two and beyond. For now, that’s all, so I’ll leave you with some superlatives.


Best Match: Noam Dar vs. Pete Dunne

Best Dressed: Moustache Mountain

Best Showing: Dave Mastiff

What did you think of the inaugural episode of NXT UK? Comment your thoughts below, or tweet them to us @FansidedDDT!