WWE 5 Burning Questions: What Lies Ahead For Kurt Angle?

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5. Which team will step up to the Authors Of Pain?

Now that they have the Raw Tag Team Championships, Authors of Pain, are literally unstoppable. You will have to take that statement literally, since there is no tag team on Monday nights that has the momentum to collide with Akam and Razor as of now.

The Revival have once again gone back to their heel ways as they began feuding with Lucha House Party. For some reason, the belief that the Luchador trio from 205 Live will have an opportunity to even face the champions, let alone challenge them for the titles, may be far-fetched. AOP are too strong and too big of a threat.

One can always say it is too early as of now to think about someone dethroning Akam and Razor, since they just won the title this Monday on Raw, but any title reign is only as memorable as the challengers that it produces.

Given the shallow condition of the tag division on Monday nights, AOP may struggle to come up with a memorable title reign. The only remaining babyface team on the roster is the B-Team, and another option would be a reformed Fashion Police when Fandango makes his return, but there is no guarantee either duo would be booked for anything but a  squash against AOP.

Which leaves us with our first question out of the gate. Which team should be next in line for a chance at stepping up to the Authors of Pain?