WWE 5 Burning Questions: What Lies Ahead For Kurt Angle?

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3. What does Creative have in store for Balor next?

Finn Balor can do a lot of things inside the ropes. The man can create a five-star match with a broomstick given the time. One thing he seems to be incapable of doing lately, however, is breaking away from that one storyline where he goes up against someone much bigger than him, puts on a great match and shows a lot of heart and guts, only to end up losing in the end. The loss can come by way of a distraction or not but Balor has been going through this for a while now.

Think about it – this all started way back when Balor began taking on Kane in a multitude of matches were Balor’s size always put him in a disadvantage. This then started a trend where Balor eventually took on Braun Strowman, Baron Corbin and finally Bobby Lashley. The latest in this line of monsters that feuded with Balor could be Drew McIntyre.

This idea comes, of course, on the heels of this week’s Raw. After having a brief exchange with Lashley, McIntyre proceeded to offer his hand to a struggling Balor in a show of respect, only to hit him with a Claymore kick to make a supposed example out of Balor.

The way I see it, perhaps next week Balor would either face Lashley once more for a spot on the Raw team, or he will face McIntyre with the Scottish Psychopath’s spot on the team on the line. Don’t worry – Balor will eventually end up losing despite all his heart and guts because creative can’t help but place him in the exact same storyline over and over again.

When will Balor break free of this curse?