WWE 5 Burning Questions: What Lies Ahead For Kurt Angle?

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2. Is a babyface run on the horizon for the Miz?

The Miz is one of the best organic heels in the WWE right now. His ability to generate heat is out of the world, but every great heel will have one equally great babyface run in him. If we as fans are lucky, we might be about to witness that piece of greatness from the Miz soon.

Think about what the A-Lister has gone through over the past week. He went through two grueling matches to advance to the finals of the World Cup, only to not get cleared due to a fluke injury. He would then watch from the sidelines as Shane McMahon inserted himself into the picture, stealing his spotlight. How often do we see a heel put on a fight only to lose something at the very end?

Then, there was this week when he actually got along with Daniel Bryan. There was even a time when Miz allowed Bryan to name the next pick to the team. Additionally, he even had the idea of setting up a match to determine the final member of the team, instead of arguing with Bryan. Finally, when Bryan lost his composure (so out of character by the way) and proceeded to pound on Samoa Joe, who tried to be the voice of reason?

Throw in the crowd’s generally positive reactions to the Miz, and now would be as good a time as ever to turn him face. Have him fight through adversity and disadvantage at the PPV, as Bryan walks out on his team due to boiling issues with Shane and Joe. Throw in Mysterio being unable to compete because of Randy Orton. A resilient Miz fights against all odds to become the Sole Survivor.

See? It’s not impossible – every great heel has the opportunity to have one great babyface moment in his career.