WWE WrestleMania 35: Early Predictions for the Entire Match Card

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Dolph Ziggler Vs Drew McIntyre

Logic may suggest that Dolph Ziggler is on a collision course with Shane McMahon following the controversial ending to the World Cup tournament in Saudi Arabia, but that would involve a face turn from Ziggler and right now, that doesn’t seem like it is going to happen anytime soon.

Instead, the WWE should use WrestleMania as an opportunity to launch Drew McIntyre into the stratosphere, cementing his place as one of the WWE’s top stars for the future.

McIntyre and Ziggler have been a surprisingly great tag-team, but now that they have lost the tag belts, and their feud with The Shield has come to an unexpected end, it’s time for McIntyre to break away from Ziggler and begin to forge his own path in the WWE.

Of course, you can’t break up a tag-team without the obligatory post break-up feud, and the WWE should begin to plant the seeds for this one at next year’s Royal Rumble.

McIntyre’s turn doesn’t need to be instantaneous, and if the WWE play their cards right and execute this properly, they could have a major star on their hands.

Credit: WWE.com

The Authors of Pain Vs The Revival: Raw Tag-Team Championship

Okay, so this one makes the list more in hope than expectation, but it is about time the WWE did something worthwhile with The Revival.

The Authors of Pain recently captured the tag-team titles by defeating Seth Rollins in a handicap match on an episode of Raw.

The WWE needs to now spend time rebuilding the tag-team division on Monday nights, and the first step on that path should involve rebuilding some legitimate opposition for the new champions.

The Revival are the most obvious choice, given that the rest of the division currently consists of jobbers and randomly thrown-together acts.

Not only that, but The Revival and Authors of Pain have a history of working well together in NXT, and given the right amount of time, they could also help put tag-team wrestling back on the map at WrestleMania.