WWE 5 Burning Questions: Why Did Daniel Bryan Turn?

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1. What are Daniel Bryan’s reasons for his actions?

In a shocking turn of events, Daniel Bryan defeated AJ Styles and won the WWE title. The beloved babyface used underhand methods to defeat a very game Styles, confusing fans around the world. He would then cement his heel turn with another post match beat down on Styles. The only question is why?

Has the quest for the ultimate prize in sports entertainment corrupted yet another babyface? Did Styles cross a line when he spoke to Bryan? Or was he willing to throw away all that respect and principles and fan admiration for the sake of facing Brock Lesnar? I was furious when Bryan hit that low blow. But soon I was beginning to like it.

Every other babyface on the roster needs to take notes from this. Bryan’s facial expressions and mannerisms were on point, if not perfect. He convinced me as a heel within 30 seconds of his first heel act. That is excellent in-ring story telling if you ask me.

Next. Analyzing Daniel Bryan’s Surprising Heel Turn. dark

The weeks ahead might give us more idea as to why Bryan snapped at that very moment. It came out of the blue to say the least. Bryan’s coronation was something that was better suited for a later time like WrestleMania. He still had much left to offer as a babyface. So what were the reasons for this sudden heel turn?