The expectations for WWE Survivor Series 2018 were all over the place, with multiple marquee matches getting huge adjustments just days before the event. When all was said and done, the Los Angeles crowd was treated to an entertaining show that succeeded in advancing storylines, providing shock moments, and delivering high-quality wrestling.
The champion vs. champion matches were hard-hitting and gave fans an insight into how these dream matches would actually unfold. The traditional 5-on-5 WWE Survivor Series matches had their share of captivating moments as well.
Social media was buzzing throughout the entirety of the event, with wrestlers and analysts sharing their opinions on what was going down at the Staples Center. It’s no surprise that #SurvivorSeries was trending No. 1 on Twitter (again), and that is why I’ll use the help of my fellow tweeters to give you Survivor Series: Told Through 20 Tweets.
1. The Usos Lock Down the Kick-Off
The Survivor Series kick-off match got off to a slow start, but once we were blessed with an Usos/Revival final, things began to pick up. Both teams performed just like we all imagined they would if they ever shared a ring. It was a slight tease, but hopefully there’s more to come in the future from these two teams. In the end, the Usos picked up the win, even though it wouldn’t count on the official scorecard (more on that later).
2. Nia Jax…You Monster
Everyone say hello to America’s new biggest villain, Nia Jax! We all know that Jax ruined everything when she broke Becky Lynch’s face, and now the one that is not like most girls can’t move without getting boo’d out of the building. The fans hate her, the ladies of the SmackDown Women’s team hate her, and apparently Lynch isn’t a fan either. Ultimately, Nia Jax, or as Lynch put it, “Toilet”, had the last laugh as she picked up the W for Raw as the sole survivor.
3. Rollins + Nak Do Not Disappoint
Nakamura vs Rollins was everything I expected from Nakamura vs Rollins... except for the lack of Ambrose. A bloody fun match, though. #SurvivorSeries
— Adam Pacitti (@adampacitti) November 19, 2018
4. Comedy is the Truth
Damn. R Truth is lost again. #SurvivorSeries
— WrassleRap 怒りのラップ (@WrassleRap) November 19, 2018
5. Not Your Average Bathroom Break
— Swiss (@ClaudioCSRO) November 19, 2018
AOP was given a pretty tough test as they did battle with The Bar, and put up a solid effort in a winning affair, but their first main roster PPV win was easily the third-most newsworthy moment of the match
6. Oh, Enzo…
Realest guy on the sidewalk?
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) November 19, 2018
7. Comedy is Truth…again
Yep, I’m #TeamTruth! #SurvivorSeries
— Dustin Rhodes (@dustinrhodes) November 19, 2018
8. They Gave 205Live a Chance!
The Cruiserweights of #205Live are overlooked every week, but they wrestle with such hunger and heart. Tremendous work ethic, respect to both men for that bout. #SurvivorSeries
— Sami Zayn (@SamiZayn) November 19, 2018
For the first time in what seems like forever, the cruiserweights were displayed on the main card of a WWE PPV, and boy did they not disappoint. Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali did what they do best, which is put on exhilarating matches.
There were plenty of moments that made you want to look away, with stiff strikes and dangerous maneuvers highlighting the bout, but each man brought the fire necessary to get the audience to chant, “This is awesome.” Hopefully, people backstage were listening and we get more 205 Live contests going forward.
9. Shane Doing Shane Things
I know I ask this on like every show now, but are they trying to kill Shane McMahon? #SurvivorSeries
— Bryan Alvarez (@bryanalvarez) November 19, 2018
10. Maybe Shane Should Give His Spot to Someone Else?
I promise to #SDLive if I’m on team next year I’ll do the jumpy thing to the table !!! #SurvivorSeries
— Miro (@ToBeMiro) November 19, 2018
11. Braun, Lashley and Drew Dominate
Is it even fair anymore?
— Corbin (@BaronCorbinWWE) November 19, 2018
A-Show, MY show #RAW: 4
B-Show, BAD SHOW #SDLive: 0
The SmackDown Men’s Team put up a valiant effort, but eventually the trio of Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre was too much to overcome. All three men looked dominant and should be in the conversation to be Brock Lesnar’s next challenger. However, one of them might have just clinched that opportunity.
12. Braun Does His Part
13. Flair and Ronda FIGHT
Finally-Professional Wrestling is back. @RondaRousey and @MsCharlotteWWE ripped it up at #SurvivorSeries. That was a good F’n match. @WWE
— Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) November 19, 2018
Before the match came to an abrupt end, Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey were heading to an instant classic in the ring. With each competitor only given just a few days to prepare, both women brought their best to the ring and delivered a back-and-forth affair that had the crowd on it’s feet. Then, things got intense when Flair went on to steal the show in a way no one saw coming.
14. Flair Turns…Violent
15. Ronda Gets Battered, Bruised and Boo’d
If there’s one thing we all learned from MMA: fans are fickle. Eff them. #4HW
— Shayna Baszler (@QoSBaszler) November 19, 2018
16. Brock’s Hot Start
17. Bryan’s Comeback Story
18. Can We Run That Back?
Lived up to my hopes. Great match, both brought their A game tonight. #SurvivorSeries
— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) November 19, 2018
Things started out bleak, with Brock Lesnar just absolutely man-handling Daniel Bryan, but the WWE Champion stormed back with a ferocious onslaught on the Beast Incarnate. There was probably little chance that Bryan could actually beat the Universal Champion, but for just a moment, myself and the WWE Universe believed it could happen.
The fight in Bryan was evident throughout, taking rough bump after rough bump, but it took plenty of trips to Suplex City and one final F-5 to put him away. There’s no telling where the new champ goes from here, but I’m all for it.
19. Get Out the Brooms
Cheaters never prosper
— Corbin (@BaronCorbinWWE) November 19, 2018
That’s a clean sweep for Raw!#Raw #SurvivorSeries
20. About That Kick-Off Match…
*Finishes watching #SurvivorSeries...*
— Austin Creed (@AustinCreedWins) November 19, 2018
My Brain:
Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it
So SmackDown Live DID win the first match of the night, but apparently that didn’t count toward the overall standings. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but either way, the superstars of Raw took home the most wins by a landslide.
Monday nights may be the home to celebrate brand supremacy, but there was another winner from the night. After witnessing spectacular high-flying moves, brutal beatdowns, and never-before-seen face-offs, the fans were the real victors. If you don’t believe me, just check your Twitter and see why we were all #blessed.