WWE TLC 2018 Match Card Predictions: Team Corbin vs. Team Angle

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Credit: WWE.com

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose [IC Title: Inferno Match]🔴

BURN IT DOWN! Ever since Roman Reigns had a leave of absence due to leukemia, Dean Ambrose has made Seth Rollins’s Monday Nights a living hell as he embraces his new heel persona. Ambrose not only burned down his Shield attire, but he also burned down his close-bonded friendship and brotherhood with the Architect.

Due to all of this burning down, it would be fitting to make this IC Title match an Inferno match. It would help spark Ambrose’s heel turn and leave Rollins open to compete in the Royal Rumble Match, where he could potentially win it and thereby face Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title at WrestleMania 35 to obtain justice for Reigns and become the new face of the company.

Rollins has held the IC Title throughout most of 2018 and has made it very prestigious. There is no better individual to drop the title to than the fired-up Ambrose, who has not won anything notable on his own in some time. Though Ambrose had a reputation for being an unremarkable babyface IC Champion, he has never been a heel IC Champion and I foresee his reign going very well this time around.

As he claims, he has the vaccination for the disease known as Seth Rollins. I sure hope that vaccination propels him to become one of the greatest IC Champions of all time. Nonetheless, Ambrose had a pretty good line against Seth Rollins in October 2014 that fits this current rivalry quite nicely: “We’re gonna burn together, but you’re gonna perish alone.” Ambrose for Intercontinental Champ!

Prediction: New Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose