MLW Fusion Results, Highlights, and Grades: Enter Sandman

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Credit: MLW Instagram

Fresh off of another MLW Fusion LIVE Special last week which saw “Filthy” Tom Lawlor and The Hart Foundation capture championships, Major League Wrestling is back with a mystery partner tag team main event. Brian Pillman Jr and Tommy Dreamer will pick their partners in the hallowed halls of the ECW Arena. Plus, an update on the status of The Lucha Bros in MLW.

With the recent announcement of a handshake agreement between The Young Bucks and The Lucha Bros, questions around the former MLW World Tag Team Champions have been prevalent. Though there doesn’t seem to be an official deal with the luchador pair, many are still wondering what the agreement means for their status in MLW and other companies. Tonight, Pentagon and Fenix address MLW and the world regarding their futures.

Tonight’s Fusion also features some of the mainstays of MLW – middleweights, lucha libre, The Hart Foundation, and Tommy Dreamer. As the first week of matches from SuperFight in Philadelphia begin to roll out, what can we expect to see?

Myron Reed vs DJZ

Reed played the avoidance game early on to keep DJZ from connecting with any solid offense early on. After cartwheeling over DJZ on the mat, Reed performed a spicy little dance rising the ire of his opponent who gave chase around the ring. Reed’s moves wouldn’t help him too long, though, as he slid into the ring and missed an elbow on DJZ as he re-entered.

Reed tried avoiding DJZ’s offense as the match went on, but the high flyer caught him with a suicide dive cutting across the corner of the ring from the apron. Catching DJZ with a pair of knees on a springboard moonsault attempt, Reed was able to slow things down until a DJZ flurry turned things around.

DJZ rolled Reed up for an attempted victory but his own momentum carried him backward allowing Reed to roll him up himself – with a handful of the tights to give him the extra boost for a three count.

How was it? Nothing spectacular but not bad at all.

I’m still waiting to see some kind of breakout moment for Myron Reed who I have seen some much more impressive matches from outside of MLW. I haven’t seen a ton of DJZ since his early run in TNA as Zema Ion, but so far he seems like a flashy entrance without much more substance in his Fusion appearances.

After the match, Reed did some more dancing outside the ring where I think, perhaps, he mimed cradling DJZ like a baby and rocking him back and forth? I know I saw it and I know that I typed those words, but I’m still trying to figure out what it actually meant.