H2tv Present a Sleazy Valentine’s Day
In a clip from H2tv, Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr answered questions submitted by fans around their plans for Valentine’s Day. Pillman was asked which girlfriend of his he’d be spending the day with and he had to plead the fifth after not being able to remember how many cities he’s been in and, thus, how many girlfriends he actually has.
Hart fielded some additional questions full of innuendo around his various pet cats, and I’m pretty sure I don’t need to go into any more details there. The two suggested another fan get out of his 25-year marriage, discussed the love life and status of Davey Boy Smith Jr, and pondered whether or not Davey was “as big as he appears on TV.”
After the questions ended, Teddy took the sunglasses Pillman had been wearing and exclaimed that the entire world looked different through the glasses worn by the rookie. His one wish was that everybody could see the world the way Brian Pillman Jr sees it.
How was it? Pretty awful.
This felt like a scummy old shoot interview if I’m being honest. Just two guys trading sexual innuendos back and forth and coming off like grimy dudes and creeps. Not a cute look for The Hart Foundation or MLW. The only solid part of the piece was the very end when Hart put on Pillman’s sunglasses, though even that was unable to escape the inevitable ramblings of Teddy Hart.
Gringo Loco vs Puma King
In the grand tradition of lucha libre in the 2300 Arena, these two went hold for hold and move for move in the opening moments leading to a good old-fashioned standoff. Despite Matt Striker playing up Gringo as the rudo on commentary, Puma King was the aggressor as he jumped Gringo from behind after walking away from a handshake.
Keeping with the theme of the night, Puma King broke out dance moves of his own completing about 60% of a floss after a little bit of prancing. It was his high-flying prowess, though, and not his excellent rhythm which kept Gringo at bay in and out of the ring for much of the contest.
After some sloppiness in the corner on what looked like an attempted sunset powerbomb from the second rope, the pair climbed the turnbuckles once more where Gringo connected with a Spanish Fly. With barely anything left, Gringo slung his hands over the chest of Puma King to pick up the three.
How was it? Slow and plodding without a decent hook.
I don’t know if I’m in the minority here or not, but I just can’t seem to get into Gringo Loco at all. His offense never looks super impressive and it feels like everything is done at half-speed. The Spanish Fly at the end was a bit scary as it looked like Gringo came super close to landing on top of his head, but he seemed alright after the match if a little shaken up.
Despite the entire internet breaking out into an angry mob this past summer due to Ryan Satin not knowing who Puma King was, I’ve yet to see anything from him that has blown me away in the half-dozen or so matches of his I’ve seen thus far. It kind of breaks my heart, because he combines some of my favorites things – lucha libre, cats, and solid dance moves.