Women of Wrestling Grades: Santana Garrett Is An Awesome Champion

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Credit: WOWE.com

Stephy Slays vs. Jessie Jones

Kristen: Okay, this was a match that did storytelling extremely well, and the rest of the women’s wrestling universe would do well to pay attention.

I warned Joe to pay close attention to Stephy Slays, because she’s a legend in the making. Her energy, talent, and stamina in the ring is nearly unmatched in the rest of the division. She holds a presence and captivates an audience like no one else is able to. She’s the exact opposite of Jessie Jones.

I don’t want to add to the negativity that Jones throws into WOW’s mix, so I’ll try to stay away from commenting on her clearly racist pre-match promo, or her embodiment of everything that is wrong in campy wrestling. I will say, that despite the horrible character direction, both Slays and Jones put on a show. The two had polar opposite takes in the ring, but both were able to maneuver and counter each other so well. Jones won the match (boo), but Slays won our hearts.

Joe: Aite Kristen, I have to give you full credit for telling me how awesome Stephy Slays is before this match, because, yes, she’s AWESOME. I’m going to give Jones as little attention as possible, for obvious reasons, but if you want to light into her, please do so. I just don’t have the energy.

Anyway, Slays is a future star, and I feel quite safe in calling that. Her exchanges in this match were so smooth, and you can see how slick and athletic she is in the ring. Slays is also a fantastic babyface; I quickly bought into her as an underdog in Women of Wrestling. I’d love to see her climb to the top of WOW with a great storyline, and I think we got that teased when Abilene Maverick insulted an injured Slays in the locker room. Maverick is one of the biggest stars in WOW, so she’d be an ideal heel opponent for Slays, who is about to become one of my favorites.

Grade: B (Jessie Jones brings everyone down)