Freebird Rules Come To MLW
In a short H2tv segment, Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr sat poolside draped in Major League Wrestling gold. Hart stated matter-of-factly that The Hart Foundation would be enacting Freebird Rules with the World Tag Team Titles, meaning that any two members of the trio can defend the titles at any time.
Hart welcomed all challengers to the titles and Pillman had a great line claiming that The Hart Foundation don’t have any dream matches, but everybody else dreams of having matches with them.
To wrap up, Teddy implied that Six-Man Tag Team Titles would be coming to MLW and would, without question, find their way around the waists of Hart, Pillman, and Smith.
The Dynasty Are Coming For Gold
MJF and Richard Holliday, now referred to as The Dynasty, were backstage to deliver comments aimed at The Hart Foundation. MJF complained that, despite being the first MLW World Middleweight Champion, he and Holliday had yet to receive a shot at the World Tag Team Titles.
The former champion continued on to say that the families of himself and Holliday had real value and society, unlike the current World Tag Team Champions. He went on to claim that their families had happy endings unlike other wrestling families like the Freebirds, the Von Erichs, and the Harts. Ouch.
MJF closed out by telling the MLW fans that they deserve value from their World Tag Team Champions and the only way to achieve that value is through The Dynasty.
The Blackout Continues
Kaci Lennox was backstage waiting to ask Low Ki some questions ahead of his steel cage match with Tom Lawlor before Salina de la Renta burst onto the scene to shut things down.
Salina railed against Kaci telling her that she made it clear that there was a media blackout in the Promociones Dorado camp. Speaking of clear, she continued on to inform everybody that she had looked into her clear, crystal ball and saw the outcome of tonight’s main event – Low Ki would get her “sweet, sweet venganza” on Lawlor.
How was it? These segments were all pretty great! This was one of the most palatable Teddy Hart appearances of all-time and laid out some solid groundwork for the future of The Hart Foundation.
MJF and Holliday are a perfect pairing. Thus far, MJF has done all of the talking while Holliday stands back and smugly smirks with one of the most punchable faces on the planet. Holliday has been just okay in his in-ring appearances to this point, and I think placing him in a team with someone like MJF can only raise his stock.
Salina was on-point in her piece building to the World Heavyweight Title Match. She also looked super fancy in an outfit with enough sparkles to compete with any ring jacket of Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. All that remains to be seen is whether or not her prophecy will come true.