What Is The Next Move For Shane Strickland?

MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW
MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW /
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Relocating Swerve’s House

While there is no question as to the talent Strickland brings to the table, there are questions as to where he’ll plant his flag going forward. A few months ago, it seemed as though every pontificator on the internet was sure Strickland would follow other indie stalwarts like ACH and Trevor Lee but with the recent launch and tenacity of AEW, questions began to surface.

What could Swerve bring to one of WWE’s various brands? He has the height to catch the eye of Vince McMahon who, to the surprise of no one, has permanent heart-eyes for anyone over six-feet tall. Could Strickland blaze enough of a trail to combat the elephant in the room with WWE, that being its lingering race problem?

WWE obviously has no problem hiring people of color. Where WWE has constantly struggled, though, is finding ways to portray people of color without creating tired, borderline (and sometimes not so borderline) racist caricatures rather than characters.

Let’s not forget that while The New Day is now a trio of dynamic best friends with real personalities, they started as a combination of two of the three character types WWE falls to for black wrestlers – dancing preachers. The third character type is somehow even less thoughtful than that as “guy who smiles a lot.”

Few would argue that the success of The New Day is a testament to the wrestlers themselves and not the writing that befalls most of the other members of the WWE roster. They’re most certainly the exception rather than the rule.

Strickland certainly has the skills and abilities, both in the ring and on the mic, to connect with crowds and break through the muck of WWE’s stereotypes and tropes. Strickland could do far more than just break through that muck – if, given the chance, he could completely smash the ceiling that seems to be set for wrestlers who don’t have Vince McMahon’s ideal look.

What would remain to be seen, however, is whether or not WWE could accept Strickland as a top name and allow him to reach the top of the card. In a company where someone as insanely talented as Kofi Kingston has yet to hold a World Championship, I have my doubts.