MLW Fusion Results, Highlights, and Grades: CONTRA’s Chaos In Chicago

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MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW /
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CONTRA Unit vs Chico Adams & Vertigo Rivera

Adams and Rivera were in the ring waiting for Jacob Fatu and Josef Samael, two-thirds of CONTRA Unit, and didn’t get so much as an introduction before they were assaulted by the duo.

Fatu and Samael stormed the ring with no pomp or circumstance and laid into their opponents immediately. With Rivera thrown to the arena floor, Samael choked Adams with his wrist tape before tossing him toward a recovering Rivera for the tag.

Fatu rocked Rivera with a superkick, knocking him back into his own corner for an accidental tag to Adams. He rushed into the ring and immediately ate a pop-up Samoan Drop from a stalking Fatu.

After a CONTRA Unit tag, Samael broke out the familiar railroad spike and began driving it into the head of Adams. The referee called for the bell in an obvious disqualification, but the nightmare was just beginning.

Samael began directing traffic including a pair of tremendous triple-jump moonsaults from Fatu onto Adams.

Just as they did last week, CONTRA Unit laid waste to the writhing Adams in the ring. Rivera attempted to make the save but was met with a fireball to the face from Samael.

As the medical staff loaded Adams onto a stretcher and began to carry him out of the ring, Fatu canceled their plans with another moonsault onto his prone opponent.

And just when it looked like things may be dying down, Samael picked up a water bottle and doused the front-row fans before throwing the bottle into the crowd. The bottle was thrown back and, in a matter of moments, trash was flying toward the ring from all corners.

Jim Cornette, on commentary, feared a full-blown riot breaking out and opined, “that’s about the [stupidest thing] I’ve ever seen anybody do in a wrestling ring.”

How was it? Absolutely incredible! I don’t think I’ve seen anything this engaging or wild on an episode of Fusion in the entirety of its run. Samael and Fatu commanded the attention of the crowd from the opening bell and pulled the strings of everybody in the Cicero Stadium.

The match itself reminded me of early Shield matches where no strict formula was followed and the only guarantee was absolute chaos. This was all about two guys completely wrecking house and continuing to alienate themselves from everybody else on the roster with their viciousness.

Not only did the trash come flying, but the crowd was absolutely molten for most of the match and all of the aftermath. At this point, MLW need to give these guys the freedom to do whatever they want to do in that ring if this is the insanity they can bring to the show.

On commentary, Cornette was perfect in selling everything going on here. Whether or not you agree with all of his opinions on wrestling should be irrelevant – he buys into the action and story 1000% which makes it easier for the viewer to do the same.

Overall, this was a masterpiece of a segment.