MLW Fusion Results, Highlights, and Grades: CONTRA’s Chaos In Chicago

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MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW /
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World Tag Team Titles: Hart Foundation (c) vs The Dynasty

Before the match, MJF continued to poke the bear that is The Hart Foundation by mocking the late Stu Hart. He took a moment to look upward and deliver a message to Stu before realizing he should be looking further south to find the resting place of the patriarch of the Harts.

The former World Middleweight Champion let Stu know that his legacy had been left in the hands of Teddy Hart and was now completely meaningless. The only legacy that mattered now was that of The Dynasty.

MJF spent the opening moments of the match avoiding Hart, stalling to raise the ire of one half of the defending champions. MJF eventually tagged to Holliday before locking up with Hart, but Teddy still caught MJF with a strike on the apron before turning his attention to Holliday.

On commentary, Cornette suggested that MJF belonged on Fox News more than he belonged in MLW leading Rich Bocchini to ask if he was more an Alex Jones type or a Tucker Carlson type. That may be the meanest thing anyone has ever said about MJF.

I found Hart to be extremely frustrating to watch in this match, more so than usual. He seemed to be fighting the flow of the match in his defense against The Dynasty and it just felt off. Time and again MJF and Holliday would look to lay in attack on Hart who would wildly kick his legs making it hard for anybody to control him. In a real-fight situation, sure – that makes sense. In a pro-wrestling match, it just made things feel awkward.

After recovering from some Dynasty double-teaming, Hart delivered a moonsault on Holliday with the assistance of Brian Pillman Jr.

Cornette, on point on commentary all night, made the most astute and accurate statement about Teddy Hart when saying, “he has to do his stuff.”

There may be nobody else on the MLW roster who seems more concerned with “getting in his stuff” every match than Teddy Hart.

At the end of the match, Hart and Smith setup for the Doomsday Destroyer but were interrupted by Alexander Hammerstone driving a chair into the back of Smith.

Hammerstone, with MJF and Holliday by his side, laid out the Hart Foundation before they posed together in the center of the ring. It would appear that The Dynasty has grown into a trio with Hammerstone acting as the muscle.

How was it? The match itself wasn’t super enjoyable to watch, largely because of the disjointed nature of anything Teddy Hart is attached to. His attempts at defensive work felt more like someone unwilling to cooperate in the match than someone working in the confines of a wrestling match.

The addition of Hammerstone to The Dynasty is an interesting one. He helps even out the group by stepping into the role of a straight-up bruiser much in the same way DBS does in The Hart Foundation, but it remains to be seen how his character will spin to fit the smug elitism of MJF and Holliday.