WWE is probably trading Baron Corbin for John Cena at WrestleMania

John Cena (R) competes with Triple H (L) during the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Greatest Royal Rumble event in the Saudi coastal city of Jeddah on April 27, 2018. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP) (Photo credit should read STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)
John Cena (R) competes with Triple H (L) during the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Greatest Royal Rumble event in the Saudi coastal city of Jeddah on April 27, 2018. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP) (Photo credit should read STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images) /

Kurt Angle revealed tonight on Raw that his retirement match at WWE WrestleMania 35 will be against Baron Corbin. Yet, something doesn’t feel right.

Baron Corbin vs. Kurt Angle doesn’t exactly feel like a “WrestleMania worthy” match. It certainly doesn’t feel like something worth giving Kurt Angle the finale of his career to. The match continues to receive criticism and WWE has even acknowledged it. Right before Corbin’s match, commentary acknowledged the backlash for the match and how fans may not be satisfied with getting this for Angle’s retirement match.

Speaking of Corbin’s match tonight, he lost that match to Apollo. Now, if WWE was going to try and sell Corbin as a legitimate contender in Angle’s league for a Mania match with a serious shot at winning, why would WWE have him lose a match to Apollo – or ANYONE – mere weeks before the big show? Something smells fishy in the windy city and wind shouldn’t have a scent. Well, sometimes it does if it’s a sort of gas, but that’s not the point! Let’s not bring science into this!

The point I’m trying to make is that Corbin will not be wrestling Angle at WrestleMania. At the very least, Corbin might come in after the match to confront Angle real opponent and get locked in an Angle Lock to tap out, per Angle’s promise earlier tonight. But that’s the closest we’ll get to an altercation between the two.

Who could his real opponent be? Jooooooooooooooooooohn Ceeeeeeeeena! (DOO DOO DOO DOOOOOOT)

OK, a guy can dream can’t he? Cena being Angle’s last WWE match after Angle was Cena’s first just seems too perfect to pass up. Of course, that may not be the case and there isn’t enough valid evidence to say that could be the case, but you know what there is valid evidence of? Baron Corbin not facing Angle. And the crowd cheering for Cena when Corbin was on the ramp…after initially booing Angle’s announcement of Corbin.

Next. Apollo Crews keeps standing out. dark

OK, technically, there isn’t even “valid” evidence per say, but there’s enough evidence to support my claim. WWE take part in strange booking sometimes, but they wouldn’t let a WWE Superstar look like a chump weeks before their big ‘Mania match. Which has to mean that right before the big show, they’ll trade the zero for a hero in a surprise opponent for Angle.