Candice LeRae
Last but not least, Candice LeRae could realistically be the next champion. As a matter of fact, of these three choices, she is possibly the most likely contender.
LeRae is a great wrestler. Her resume on the indie circuit speaks for itself. Unfortunately, she hasn’t had a chance to do much on WWE NXT other than play a supporting role for her husband, Johnny Gargano. She competed in this year’s Royal Rumble, so the company clearly has plans for her.
Now that the Gargano and Ciampa storyline is over, LeRae can finally focus on her own career. One would have to assume she will try to make a run at the champion.
If logic dictates Dakota Kai would make a good sympathetic babyface, then Candice would work just as well as in a program against Baszler. They also have a history together dating back to quarterfinals of the Mae Young Classic.
The Queen of Spades defeated LeRae with the Kirifuda Clutch and refused to break the hold after her opponent tapped out, causing her to pass out. It was a big win for Baszler, but it was never really addressed when they both came to NXT.
WWE doesn’t always keep up with its own continuity, but this could a chance to build a story around Candice LeRae’s quest for revenge.