WWE: Sanity could be one of the biggest missed opportunities yet

Credit: WWE.com
Credit: WWE.com

New developments would suggest that WWE is spitting up Sanity, which is a real shame because they never had the opportunity to excel on the main roster.

During the first night of the WWE Superstar Shake-up, the company revealed Eric Young was moving to Raw via an informal catch all announcement. The commentary team mentioned it, but the move was treated like it was so minute that it’s hard to imagine most fans who aren’t familiar with him would care. Afterward, stablemate, Killian Dain, wished Young and Alexander Wolfe luck and thanked the fans for their support

The next day, Wolfe wrote a more detailed and definitive farewell to the group, listing their accomplishments and going on to bid farewell to WWE. Since, it has been reported that he could be just heading back to NXT to develop a new character. It’s unclear what Dain and Nikki Cross will do next, but the latter wasn’t even drafted to either brand yet.

At any rate, this places the stable firmly on a growing list of teams that WWE completely mishandled or ignored when they were called up to the main roster. The Ascension, American Alpha, the Revival, the Vaudevillains, and the Author of Pain all had loads of potential, but there was something special about Sanity. They seemed to have the right mix of interesting characters and in-ring capability.

It’s hard to understand why creative couldn’t come up with anything for them. Especially, when there aren’t that many notable tag teams or dominant stables on the roster. At least, WWE tried to do something with the other call ups mentioned. Sanity never really got off the ground or picked up a meaningful win after last year’s Superstar Shake-up.

The stable debuted in October of 2016, during the second annual Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. In the following year, Killian Dain joined them to create the core group fans would grow to love. From then on, the foursome seemed like they really had something. They were all extremely talented, and their commitment to their gimmick is something that feels like it’s lacking in wrestling now.

Cross, in particular, completely bought in. Her conviction and memorable character moments were a huge part of what made the stable work. Bringing the group up to the main roster without her cost them some of the charm that helped them get over with the fans, to begin with. Honestly, it should’ve been an early sign that the company didn’t understand them or have any real plans for them.

Moreover, WWE found some success with the Bludgeon Brothers, who had a similar gimmick. That more than likely hurt Sanity’s momentum. But even so, why not just move them to Raw where they could thrive in a tag division that was in dire need of some stars. The company just completely gave up on them.

It’s sad because some mainstreams fans never got to see their two-year run together on NXT. This could turn out to be a good thing for the four going forward, but this seems like a huge missed opportunity for everyone involved. It makes you wonder why the company has such a hard time building up and pushing established tag teams.