Money in the Bank: Kevin Owens is WWE’s best heel

WWE, Kevin Owens (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)
WWE, Kevin Owens (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images) /
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Promo Work

Kevin Owen’s promo skills have been phenomenal since before joining WWE, but his work can be seen since his time in NXT. In 2015, his last appearance in Full Sail before going to Takeover Brooklyn, he stopped himself mid-promo due to fans chanting “Brooklyn Sucks.” He proceeded for two minutes to call out the crowd for how they are hypocrites for cheering “Fight Owens Fight” until he fights someone like Sami Zayn. With his feud with John Cena at that point, he calls the crowd “the John Cena of fans” because they will cheer NXT as a brand but boo the fact that the Black and Gold brand expanded and grew with a PPV in New York.

And that’s just the beginning of it. Look at any of his feuds since 2015, you will find a plethora of great, hard hitting promo work against the likes of Sami Zayn, Ryback, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Goldberg and Kofi Kingston.

A factor that helps diversify his promo skills is his ability to speak French, which he has implemented seamlessly into numerous promos. He’s done it as heel multiple times, and even as a face recently during the Superstar Shake-Up when WWE was in Montreal.

This confidence on the mic has obviously translated into this interview segments where he will do things insult the interviewer and belittle his interviewees. Kevin Owens has given amazing interviews laying on his back! Check out some of the backstage interviews on exclusive videos from 2015; it’s fantastic. Regardless of where or when he has a mic in his hand, he is almost guaranteed to deliver gold.