This week, in Name Redacted, The Undertaker will take on Goldberg for the very first time. This match, however, simply can not deliver.
The Undertaker and Goldberg are two huge names in professional wrestling; potentially some of the biggest names that can still perform anywhere in the world. Their careers are celebrated. Individual matches are celebrated. Their names are heralded around the globe.
This Friday, at Super Showdown in Name Redacted, these two Goliaths will compete against each other for the first time ever. Two men who have brought so much to the sport and provided so much entertainment will compete to determine who is the better man.
And we all know it’s going to suck.
To be clear, I’m not saying it might be poor. I’m not saying the quality won’t be absolute top notch. I’m saying, outright, it’s going to suck. I’m also saying that we all know it’s going to suck.
I don’t think there are many people in the world who honestly think this is going to be a good match or are even looking forward to it. For a supposed marquee match, an international main event, that is not a good thing.
There are many, many reasons why this match can’t deliver. I’ve picked out five to try to narrow down exactly what WWE have done wrong with what should be the easiest home run they’ve ever played. Please join me in this journey of confusion, apathy and dread that is WWE fandom whenever they go international.
5. The build has been terrible
Just terrible.
The announcement of the match came on Twitter and since then there’s been nothing. Neither The Undertaker nor Goldberg are particularly prolific tweeters (though who can forget The Undertaker’s social media heroics in the build to WrestleMania 22) and neither have appeared on Raw or SmackDown.
The first actual sight of either man will come this week on Raw, where The Undertaker has been drafted in to walk to the ring, look menacing, roll his eyes and leave. Essentially, he’s in the Sami Zayn spot.
This will be followed by Goldberg appearing on SmackDown for the first time ever. That’s great and all, let’s make history and all that jazz, but maybe he could, you know, turn up sooner?
Starting to actually build towards a match only three or four days before the event is not going to get people excited, no matter who’s in the match.
The worst part of all of it is that we’re very unlikely to see the two men actually interact before the match, even to stare each other down. Admittedly, the Undertaker could turn up on SmackDown but we both know his time on the B show just isn’t a thing any more.
B show B show go go go!