AEW: 10 Takeaways from Fyter Fest

NJPW, Kenny Omega (Photo by Masashi Hara/Getty Images)
NJPW, Kenny Omega (Photo by Masashi Hara/Getty Images) /
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What a match between Jon Moxley and Joey Janela

Great in-ring debut for Moxley. I love seeing him finally in his creative element. You can see it with his character, entrance, attire, and attitude

Janela also put on a show and really turned up the heat to match Mox’s intensity. What came next was a great match that was littered with spots that kept you on your seat while making you cringe.

Here is a list of my favorite crazy spots from this match:

  • Janela uses a prosthetic leg from the audience to hit Moxley.
  • Moxley sets up a chair and sits in it. Janela eventually hits him into it and dives at him from the top rope. Moxley dodges, leading Janela to Swanton onto the seated chair.
  • Moxley brings out a chair wrapped in barbed wire. Moxley hits Janela with it, earning lovely chants from the audience saying “You Sick F***.” Moxley bowed in acceptance, embracing his character. Afterwards, he was on the receiving end of a diving headscissors landing him on said chair.
  • Janella and Moxley were on the outside apron above a set up table ringside. Janela pulled Moxley off the apron with a “Russian Leg Sweep,” sending the two of them into the outside table.
  • Moxley returns the table favor with picking up Janela and running him into a table set up in the corner turnbuckle.
  • The first Barbed Wire Board spot. The board is set up in the corner turnbuckle, and Janela has Moxley in a fireman carry. He throws Moxley into the board.
  • Two tables are set up outside of the ring, and a ladder is set up in the ring. Moxley is laid out on the table, and Janela climbs to the top of the ladder. He proceeds to land an elbow drop on Moxley through the table.
  • Second Barbed Wire Board Spot. Janela set up the board horizontally on the ring and the barricade outside. Moxley sends Janela into it with a Death valley bomb from inside the ring.
  • Moxley brings in a bucket that has two bags of thumbtacks. He takes off the boots and socks of Janela. He hits Janela with an Atomic Drop on the tacks (I have never feared an atomic drop more in my life).
  • The finish of the match is Moxley hitting his finishers, the Paradigm Shift (Lifted double hook DDT) on the tacks.

This is an amazing match. If you can stomach extreme wrestling moments, definitely watch the match.

Omega ambushing Moxley was a perfect end to the show

With the way Double or Nothing ended, it was not a good night for Kenny Omega. He lost the main event match against Jericho for a chance to compete for the championship. Then, Moxley’s debut took center stage, leading to Omega getting DDTed on top of a stack of casino chips.

When Moxley won his match against Janela at the end of the show, seeing Omega come out and give Moxley a taste of his own medicine was refreshing. Omega is a creative and innovative wrestler, which made watching him use weapons and the environment around him interesting as he punished Moxley over and over again. At one point, Omega hit Moxley with every musical instrument near the stage, tying into the pre-show. At least something went right for Omega.

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This was a great way to carry over the story from Double or Nothing and continue building for their match at All Out in August.