NJPW G1 Climax 29 Night 1: Results, Grades, and Analysis

OSAKA, JAPAN - JUNE 09: Kota Ibushi and Tetsuya Naito compete in the IWGP Intercontinental Championship bout during the Dominion 6.9 In Osaka-Jo Hall of NJPW on June 09, 2019 in Osaka, Japan. (Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images)
OSAKA, JAPAN - JUNE 09: Kota Ibushi and Tetsuya Naito compete in the IWGP Intercontinental Championship bout during the Dominion 6.9 In Osaka-Jo Hall of NJPW on June 09, 2019 in Osaka, Japan. (Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images) /
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SANADA (Los Ingobernables de Japon) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (Suzuki-gun)

SANADA and ZSJ locked up, and SANADA rolled him through with a wristlock. Sabre responded by locking on a cravat. Sabre took SANADA over with a wristlock and maintained control over SANADA, bending the arm in several painful positions. SANADA rolled through and hit initiated a series of incredible counters between both men where neither man was able to maintain control.

Both men got a huge ovation as they stood facing each other, but ZSJ and SANADA then started exchanging a series of pinfall attempts, but they kept switching until SANADA went for the Paradise Lock, but ZSJ countered and both men exchanged pinfall attempts again. Neither man could get the advantage again, as the crowd chanted “New Japan!”

SANADA asked for a test of strength, but ZSJ faked him out and wouldn’t engage. SANADA asked again, and Zack went for it this time and tried to manipulate the arm again. SANADA briefly had the strength advantage, but ZSJ used leverage to take SANADA down with a series of arm locks again. SANADA managed to reverse and get his own strangle hold. Zack tried to fight out, but SANADA kept him down with power twice before Sabre found an opening and turned it around.

ZSJ turned it around too, and then hit an uppercut on SANADA. SANADA and Sabre started to exchange holds again, but it ended with Sabre eating a dropkick as SANADA looked to up the pace a little bit. SANADA went for a dive, but Sabre walked away. SANADA simply floated over onto the apron. ZSJ decided to take his time getting back into the ring. SANADA went for the Paradise Lock twice on Sabre, but he couldn’t lock it in, and Sabre instead countered into an armbar.

SANADA made it to the ropes to escape but ZSJ continued to work over the arm and sent SANADA to the floor. As SANADA came back in, Sabre stomped on his arm and hit a big PK to the back of SANADA. Sabre then begged SANADA to chop him, but Sabre then hit an uppercut and locked on a Cobra Twist. SANADA fought out with a hip toss and then a dropkick, but Sabre twisted SANADA’s arm and went for a kick to the arm again.

SANADA dodged and managed to lock on a modified Paradise Lock on ZSJ that left him in the ropes! The crowd exploded as Sabre was stuck in the ropes! SANADA hit a dropkick and sent Sabre to the outside. Back in the ring, SANADA went for a back suplex and Sabre failed to counter. Sabre kicked out.

SANADA went for a springboard dropkick, but Sabre caught him and locked on the Octopus Hold, (AKA, Hurrah! Another Year, Surely This One Will Be Better Than the Last; The Inexorable March of Progress Will Lead Us All to Happiness!) Sabre then turned it into an armbar, but SANADA managed to make it to the ropes.

Sabre managed to lock on his own version of Skull End, but SANADA stood up, leaving Sabre on his shoulders. SANADA went for the TKO, but ZSJ countered into a guillotine choke. SANADA managed to escape and drive Sabre down before hitting a TKO, but ZSJ kicked out. SANADA went for a moonsault, but Sabre moved and SANADA landed on his feet. Sabre went for an uppercut, but SANADA countered and hit a backslide. ZSJ rolled through and hit a PK, but SANADA kicked out.

ZSJ went for the Zack Driver, but SANADA slipped out and locked on Skull End! SANADA swung Sabre around with Skull End, and then went for a moonsault again, but ZSJ caught him in a Triangle Choke! Holy crap! SANADA picked him up and went for a powerbomb, but ZSJ rolled out and went for another submission. SANADA hit a moonsault press into a Skull End, but Sabre countered into a pinfall attempt! SANADA countered into his own pin and got a victory over ZSJ!

Prediction: Zack Sabre Jr.

Result: SANADA (1-0) (2 points)

Rating ****1/4 (4.25 stars out of 5)

ZSJ was furious and locked on a triangle choke on the referee after bell. I wonder if this sets up a title match for SANADA for the RevPro British Heavyweight Championship? This was an absolutely fantastic technical match that saw both men try to out do each other in the various counters and holds, and SANADA barely walked out on top. Fantastic match.